How to Make Egg Coffee? Everything You Need to Know.

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Egg Coffee is the most popular and special coffee drink in Vietnamese, Egg Coffee traditionally made with egg yolks, sugar, condensed milk, and robusta coffee. The Egg Coffee was invented in Hanoi during the 1940 by Nguyen Van Giang. Who was working as a bartender at the Sofitel Legend Metropole Hotel. Due to a shortage of milk, he used egg yolk as a substitute, creating a unique coffee drink. Egg Coffee is very popular among Vietnamese people.

Origin of Egg Coffee?

Egg Coffee drink is the most popular and special coffee drink in Vietnam, and that Egg Coffee, or cà phê trứng in Vietnamese, originated in Hanoi Vietnam. The Egg Coffee was created in the 1940 by Nguyen Van Giang, bartender at the Sofitel Legend Metropole Hotel in Hanoi. During that time, Milk was scarce due to the war, so Nguyen Van Giang used egg Yolks as a substitute. Nguyen Van Giang Whipped egg yolks with sugar and condensed milk to create a creamy and rich drink quickly gained popularity. And then becoming a beloved local specialty. Now, Nguyen Van Giang’s legacy continues with his family-run cafe, Cafe Giang, that remains a popular spot for both locals and tourists to enjoy this distinctive Egg Coffee.

How to Make Egg Coffee?

Egg coffee is a special drink that comes from Vietnam. It has a rich taste and a creamy flavor. It is made with strong coffee, egg yolk, and sweetened condensed milk. Follow these steps to make your own egg coffee-


  1. One egg yolk
  2. Two tablespoons of sweetened condensed milk
  3. One cup of strong black coffee (you can use espresso or any strong brewed coffee also can use Nescafe)


Step by step I will Instruct you how to make Egg Coffee.

First Step (Brew the Coffee):

At first, make a cup of strong black coffee. You can use an espresso machine, a French press, or any method you prefer. Make sure the coffee is fresh and very strong.

2nd Step (Prepare the Egg Mixture):

I. First, Separate the egg yolk from the egg white. Only need the yolk for this recipe.

II. And then, in a small bowl, whisk the egg yolk until it becomes smooth and slightly frothy.

III. Add two tablespoons of sweetened condensed milk to the egg yolk.

IV. Then, Continue to whisk the mixture until it becomes thick and creamy. This may take a few minutes. The mixture should be light and fluffy.

Final Step (Combine Coffee and Egg Mixture):

And then, pour the fresh and strong coffee into a cup. Gently spoon the creamy egg mixture on top of the coffee. The mixture should float on the surface, creating a beautiful layered effect.

Now your Egg Coffee is ready to drink. Egg Coffee you can enjoy it hot or cold. To drink, you can mix the egg cream into the coffee or you can use sugar, honey and any flavor, such as Caramel, coconut, and hazelnut. 

What does Egg Coffee Taste Like?

The Egg Coffee taste is often described as a blend of sweet and bitter, with the sweetness from the whipped egg yolks. Egg coffee sugar balances the robust bitterness of the strong Vietnamese coffee.

Some people compare the flavor to a coffee-flavored custard or tiramisu. Egg Coffee as the creamy texture and sweetness are reminiscent of dessert-like qualities. The combination of the creamy egg mixture and the dark, rich coffee creates a complex and indulgent taste experience.

Is Egg Coffee Safe to Drink?

Normally, Egg Coffee can be safe to drink if prepared properly, but there are a few factors to consider-

Freshness of Eggs: 

You have to use fresh, high quality eggs to minimize the risk of bacterial contamination.

Preparation Hygiene: 

You have to ensure that all utensils and surfaces are clean to prevent contamination.

Health Considerations: 

You Have to remember that, Individuals with compromised immune systems, the elderly, pregnant women, and young children should be cautious with consuming raw or lightly cooked eggs.

If made with proper hygiene and fresh ingredients, egg coffee can be a delightful and safe drink.

How Popular is Egg Coffee Outside of Vietnam?

Egg coffee, originally from Vietnam, has gained some popularity outside its home country, though it remains a niche drink compared to more traditional coffee drinks.

Global Cities with Vietnamese Communities:

Egg coffee can be found in global cities with significant Vietnamese communities, such as Paris, London, and various cities in the United States and Australia. In these areas, Vietnamese cafes often serve Egg Coffee as a specialty item.

Tourist Spots:

In tourist hotspots, normally in Southeast Asia, egg coffee might be available due to the influence of Vietnamese cuisine. It’s often marketed as a must-try drink for tourists.

Coffee Enthusiast:

Egg coffee has a small but dedicated following. Specialty coffee shops and cafes that focus on unique coffee experiences might offer egg coffee.

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